Corcoran Refresh

A more friendly and modern

  Background & Objectives

Led by the Marketing team, Corcoran executed a company-wide rebranding, including logo, social media, prints and products. Corcoran's main website,, needed to wash off its 1980s look and give people a modern and sleek experience.

I worked with a UX consultant, a product manager, and multiple engineers to refresh I went through the entire design process and the transition from design to front end.

Objective 1: Refresh the user interface design for by incorporating the new design direction from the Marketing team.

Objective 2: Build a friendly mobile experience with an especially smooth search experience.


  Align with marketing

Based on the art direction from the Marketing team, I built a living style guide that included all design patterns and components as well as delivered hi-res prototypes for every single page in

Living style guide (part 1)

Living style guide (part 2)

New homepage

New listing display

  Mobile search

We designed a new mobile search experience and validated the design by conducting usability test with 12 users. I was responsible for testing 5 out of the 12 users and delivered design enhancements based on their feedback.

Listing search (old)

Listing search (new)

Listing search (new)

  Tiny Wins

Within the given time, we had more bandwidth than just reskinning the website. We invested time on user research and made some tiny quick UX changes that brought big benefits.

By observing user flow and click behavior on Fullstory (, we got a better understanding of how they were using and we

1) Removed the buttons/functions that users seldom use

2) Grouped related listing data and built a better information hierarchy

3) Made the Contact Agent button into a primary call to action on each listing page, which made it easier for Corcoran agents to get connected with potential customers

Listing display (old)

Listing display (new)

4) Covered all the edge cases in the design, which made it much easier for development

Listing has been sold

Listing with no price

Listing with price

  My Contribution

UI Design, Usability Testing, Style Guide, Front-End Development.

  Tools Used

Sketch, Invision, Lookback, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.